December 31, 2016

2016: ITP Highlight # 10

With support from CCAFS, the IWMI-Tata Program has piloted the world's first solar irrigation cooperative. Shah and others discuss the idea, its objectives, early performance and potential...

Solar Power as Remunerative Crop

Tushaar Shah, Neha Durga, Shilp Verma and Rahul Rathod

Anand, the small Gujarat town that gave India its dairy cooperative movement, has now spawned a new cooperative that may well grow into a genre of its own. The Dhundi Solar Pump Irrigators' Cooperative Enterprise (SPICE) provides the proof of concept for promoting Solar Power as a Remunerative Crop (SPaRC). We argue that SPaRC presents the best chance of taming western India's groundwater anarchy, of improving the finances of power distribution companies, of curtailing the carbon footprint of our agriculture and of creating a new, risk-free source of serious cash income for India's farmers.

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