November 30, 2018

2018: ITP Highlight #06

2018: ITP Highlight #06
In 2017, Tamil Nadu government announced Kudimaramathu, to revive traditional institutions for tank management and upkeep. Sakthi and Shah present an early assessment of the ambitious scheme...

Will Kudimaramathu make communities Think Tanks again?

A study of tanks in transit, coping mechanism of communities and government action

R. Sakthivadivel and Manisha Shah

November 25, 2018

2018: ITP Highlight #05

2018: ITP Highlight #05
How can West Bengal tweak its farm power tariffs to make them "pro-poor"? Manisha Shah and others present findings and recommendations based on an ITP policy experiment in Birbhum...

Pro-Poor Farm Power Policy for West Bengal - III

Results of ITP's Monoharpur experiment

Manisha Shah, Sujata Das Chowdhury and Tushaar Shah

November 20, 2018

2018: ITP Highlight #04

2018: ITP Highlight #04
Driven by poor water quality, drinking water enterprises are mushrooming in many parts of India. Are these socially desirable and financially viable? Krishnamurthy and others try to answer...

How Sustainable are Rural Water Enterprises?

Synthesis of ITP-INREM Studies from Six States

A. Krishnamurthy, Bharti, S. Chekuri, S. Krishnan and R. Indu
with inputs from Harsh Dave and Shreyas S.

November 15, 2018

2018: ITP Highlight #03

2018: ITP Highlight #03
Do smallholder farmers follow a predictable journey from penury to prosperity? Is this journey well understood? Can it be mainstreamed? Can its timeline be condensed? Pastakia tries to answer...

Penury to Prosperity

The SFPF Journey of Tribal Farmers in Dahod, Gujarat

Astad Pastakia

July 25, 2018

2018: ITP Highlight #02

2018: ITP Highlight #02
IWMI-Tata Program's solar experiment in Dhundi has received a lot of positive media and policy attention. Verma, Durga and Shah respond to a recent critique of the experiment published in EPW...

Solar Irrigation Pumps and India’s Energy-Irrigation Nexus

Rejoinder to Sahasranaman et al. (2018). Economic & Political Weekly, 53(21): 65-68.

Shilp Verma, Neha Durga and Tushaar Shah

July 6, 2018

2018: ITP Highlight #01

2018: ITP Highlight #01
ITP-WLE-CCAFS's field pilot in Dhundi has inspired the Government of India to include grid-connected solar pumps in its plans for KUSUM. Shah explores what it would take to effectively implement the scheme...

Kick-starting KUSUM (Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahaabhiyan)

Tushaar Shah

December 20, 2017

2017: ITP Highlight #08

2017: ITP Highlight #08
Named after the influential Kakatiya dynasty, Telangana's ambitious mission to de-silt more than 45,000 tanks promises major benefits. But will the positive impacts sustain? Manisha Shah and others explore...

Reviving Minor Irrigation in Telangana

Midterm Assessment of Mission Kakatiya

Manisha Shah, Bharti and Shilp Verma